Soul deliverance

Dealing with split personality schizophrenia
Rejection and rebellion roots
Take an example of a possessive mother. The rejection within herself creates problems in her relationships with the child. So, the child is opened for rejection by the mother’s instability. I know schizophrenia always begins with rejection. Now, one can have a rejection spirit and not be a schizophrenic. In other words, it is all in the matter of forming a personality. You can have a rejection spirit and still manage to form your own personality and be secure in yourself. To the contrary, the schizophrenic is always floundering … “Who am I?” The identity of the true self is confused or lost. Rejection (shown is the control demon in one of the personalities set up within the schizophrenic. Rejection depicts a withdrawn type personality… (it is a feeling within —it is agony within —it is a starvation of love… it is insecurity… it is inferiority… it is fantasy… it is unreality… it is all on the inside —“I don’t share in this.”) This is one personality the demons set up.

The control demon of schizophrenia invites other demons in, in order to cause the distortion of the personality. Schizophrenia always begins with “rejection.” It commonly begins in childhood or infancy and sometimes while the child is yet in his mother’s womb. There are many causes for rejection. Perhaps the child was not wanted. It may have been the wrong sex desired by one or both parents. The conditions in the home may have been unsettled. There are many “doors” that lead to rejection. Schizophrenia can be demonically inherited. Notice I said “demonically.” By that I mean it is not in the blood system, not in the genes —it is in the demons! In other words, demons seek to perpetuate their like kind. It is easiest for them to do this within a family. For example, suppose the schizophrenia nature is in the mother. The demons will pick out one or more of her children to feed down through.

Now, one can have a rejection spirit and not be a schizophrenic. In other words, it is all in the matter of forming a personality. You can have a rejection spirit and still manage to form your own personality and be secure in yourself. To the contrary, the schizophrenic is always floundering … “Who am I?” The identity of the true self is confused or lost. Rejection (shown on the left hand in the illustration) is the control demon in one of the personalities set up within the schizophrenic. Rejection depicts a withdrawn type personality… (it is a feeling within —it is agony within —it is a starvation of love… it is insecurity… it is inferiority… it is fantasy… it is unreality… it is all on the inside —“I don’t share in this.”) This is one personality the demons set up.

The second personality set up by the demons is Rebellion. When a child does not have satisfactory love relationships in life he grows up being unable to feel and share in love relationships. A rebellion sets in. He begins to fight for love. Or he lashes out at those who have starved him of love. Rebellion asserts itself in stubbornness, self-will and selfishness.

The three personality
1. The real one
2. The rejected one
3. The rebellious one.

Jesus must start growing in the person, developing that personality, and making it what He wants it to be. This is why the schizophrenic deliverance requires time —sometimes several months or even a year, or longer. The deliverance must work in balance with the development of the “Real Self.” It cannot be rushed, for there is nothing for the person to fall back upon.

Let me illustrate what can happen when a schizophrenic is in the process of deliverance. He may be learning submission to authority. He is faced with a test. There is a situation where he is required to be submissive. He is not in the habit of being submissive. What will he do? Will he fall back into rejection… go to his room? … cover his face? … refuse to talk to anyone? Or, will he fall back into rebellion… expressing anger? … becoming defiant? … showing stubbornness? Or, will he permit the nature of Jesus to come forth … cooperating? … yielding to authority? … becoming submissive? The decision is his. He must be willing to fall out of agreement with the demons and to break old habit patterns. The “Real Self” must have become strong enough in Christ to carry through on the right decision. This represents a “hurricane.” The schizophrenic person continually creates “storms” around himself. He is caught in these storms, and others must relate to what is happening. If the person trying to relate is also unstable he brings his storm into the schizophrenic’s storm. These times of storm cause the root of bitterness to form and to be driven deeper and deeper
Because of rejection rooted in the soul, the demon “weds” a person to the world for love. Lust is rooted in rejection. If one has not received satisfactory love through the normal channels of life, the carnal nature will begin to search for its kind of love —sensual love. Thus, the door is opened for the demon of lust to enter. A companion spirit in this group is fantasy lust which may cause the person to imagine he is some great lover of the motion picture world or to fantasy sexual experiences as a prelude to overt acts. The harlotry spirit in women may first manifest itself in dress and provocativeness. Sexual perversions represent extreme attempts to overcome rejection. Sexual experiences, real or imaginary, can never satisfy the need for genuine love. They are the devil’s substitutes for real love and leave a person ridden with frustration and guilt.
This demon causes a person to turn against himself and tears down his sense of personal worth. In most cases we have found self-accusation coupled with a compulsion to confess. For example, if the person has fallen into immorality he cannot rest until he has confessed his wrong-doing. He usually confesses to those who should show him the most love. He is driven to do this in an effort to “shock” others into giving him forced attention and thereby find a substitute for love.

This demon “weds” a person to selfish desires. This opens the way for stubbornness, selfishness and unteachableness. Again, we see the compensation for rejection. Since the person has been rejected or fears rejection he is driven to pamper self… to push self. He is thereby trying to overcome feelings of rejection.

It, too, is a compensating demon. It draws the attention away from the rejection. It seeks to eliminate a concentration on self by calling attention to others. The accusation demon opens the door for companion spirits of judgmentalism.

This now introduces self-deception. Its companions are delusion, self-seduction and pride. These three spirits of “self” inflate pride. Pride is another compensation for rejection. One who feels rejected wants to feel important. The spirit of delusion comes along and says, “You are REALLY somebody;” “You are a spiritual giant!” or some other kind of giant. The ego that has been wounded appears to be given a boost. But it is all demonic. It only leads to greater frustration and disappointment.
The spirit of self-deception can convince a teen to believe she's twenty five. She can even take on another name to go with her other person. She attempts to think, talk and act like an older lady. She is pushed beyond her abilities and her normal maturity. It adds greatly to her oppression.

On the rejection side are spirits of jealousy and envy. Those who are deficientRejection and rebellion roots. jealous and envious of those who do experience satisfying love.

On the rebellion side are spirits of distrust, suspicion, fears and persecution. There is another demon in this later group and it is called Confrontation with honesty at all cost. Suspicion and distrust build up in the person until he is compelled to confront the other person. After the confrontation the pressure dies down within him for awhile. But it leaves the attacked person to handle his wounds. The person acting under the influence of paranoid demons is quite insensitive as to how many wounds he causes, yet he is super-sensitive to every offense toward himself.

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